
Month 1: Meal Plans and Workouts

Step 1: Download your 7-Day "Ultra Detox" Here

Step 2: Download your meal plans, grocery lists, and recipes here

Step 3: Download your Power Foods and Healthy Snacks Here

The power foods list can be used if you're eating out or not following the meal plans. Try to stick with this list as much as possible.

Keep some of the snacks on  the healthy snacks list on hand at home and/or in your office to make sure you have healthy options if that mid-afternoon or stress-induced snacking feeling hits.

If you're not using the meal plans or are eating out, you can use the estimating portion size handout to help guide your food intake.

**Note: while alcohol consumption is not considered healthy in any amounts, if you normally drink alcohol, 1-2 shots of hard liquor or 1-2 glasses of red or white wine each week will fit into the challenge.

Step 4: Get Your Workouts Here

Perform this workout 1X per week (preferably on Mondays)

(If you want to skip over the demonstrations and modifications, you're workout begins at the 6:44 mark.)
Exercises Performed in This Workout: 
DB Lateral + Front Raise
Tricep Dips
Tricep Kickback
Dumbbell Upright Rows
Shoulder Press
Military Push Ups

Perform this workout 1X per week (preferably on Tuesdays)

(If you want to skip over the demonstrations and modifications, you're workout begins at the 7:38 mark.)
Exercises Performed in This Workout: 
Dumbbell Glute Bridge
Dumbbell Deadlift
Bodyweight Squats
Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge
Bodyweight Alternating Lunge
Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Perform this workout 1X per week (preferably on Thursdays)

(If you want to skip over the demonstrations and modifications, you're workout begins at the 6:43 mark.)
Exercises Performed in This Workout: 
DB Bent Over Row
In&Out Bicep Curls
Alt. Hammer Curls
Push Ups
Dumbbell Renegade Rows
Mountain Climbers

Perform this workout 1X per week (preferably on Fridays)

(If you want to skip over the demonstrations and modifications, you're workout begins at the 6:44 mark.)
Exercises Performed in This Workout: 
Walking Plank + Push Up
Hip Taps
Love Handle Killers
Plank Hold
Single Leg RDLs- Right
Single Leg RDLs- Left
Reverse Crunches